“The Vibrant Variety of God” ft. Fuller Theological Seminary’s David Emmanuel Goatley I Saturdays at Seven Ep. 35

In the thirty-fifth episode of the “Saturdays at Seven” conversation series, Todd Ream talks with David Emmanuel Goatley, President of Fuller Theological Seminary. Goatley opens by exploring what is theologically at stake when we seek to practice justice and the relationship that practice inherently shares with ecumenism and missions. Ream and Goatley shift to talking about Goatley’s calling to ministry, the importance of God’s efforts to prepare people for the contexts where they are called serve, and the importance of God’s efforts to prepare the contexts to receive the people who are called to serve them. Two of the most important people through whom God worked when preparing Goatley for his calling to ministry were his parents—a father who pastored the same church for almost fifty years and a mother who was served in a host of contexts in the community where they lived including, at the end of her career, being an advocate for childhood well-being. They close their conversation by exploring Goatley’s research concerning flourishing in ministry, thriving congregations, and how those lessons are incorporated into how he and his colleagues at Fuller serve their students.